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  APPEND            'Sticks' at EOF() ??.                                  ~

  Clipper Version  1.03 dtd 09/15/90.

  Problem Statement

  The following is extracted from a message posted by ron 70671, 156:

  When appending records to a file and successfully writing to and unlocking
  that record, a SKIP -1, or lookup with the SEEK command, results in the
  record pointer going to EOF(). GO TOP and GO BOTTOM do not work and
  neither does SKIP -1.



  Work Around(s)

  Close .dbf and re-open for subsequent operations.

  Netware 386 3.1 LAN with MS-DOS 4.01 and 3.3 workstations. 35 files open.
  Problem not reproducible with same database and only 4 other files open.
  Index and .dbf are updated successfully.

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